The fire rated doors of company has 3 certifications:FM,WHI,UL.the standard is American standard.

UL is the most authoritative,the head office is in US.because of anti-monopoly,UL has separated our someone and have set up WHI,the head office is in UK,the standard has UK and US.The FM is insurance business with fortune global 500.The head office is in US,the standard is the same to US standard.We have the three certifications for different fire doors.

Located in a port city, China Dalian Golden House Door & Window Manufacture Co., Ltd. is a large-scale enterprise specialized in producing American-Standard steel fire doors and wooden fire doors. Our company produces 50000 sets of steel fire doors and 20000 sets of wooden fire doors every year. Our fire door products have passed UL Approvals AND FM Approvals and INTERTEK(WH) approval successively. Moreover, our fire door products can be sold directly to more than 20 countries over North America, Latin America, Middle East and Africa.

please get into the contact with servicer if need to learn more on the product price and size forcustomized service . also please contact us on alibaba

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